The indirect savings- better controls over absence management, productivity and resource utilisation is by far the best justification and is usually financed through recruitment freezes (not replacing the leavers). This becomes not a technology opportunity but an internal process necessity.
What have we learned? If trusts are researching available tools, take the following into consideration: Choose a product that is fit for purpose today, this will greatly increase your ability to introduce the solution throughout the organisation. The more complex, the more expensive the project implementation and adoption. Choose a product which gives you options: rostering, leave management, time keeping and Attendance, Bank Admin, Agency interface, Payment and Billing and ESR interface. Choose a product that does not require additional IT resource but consider a web-based application. Look to choose a product that gives your employees more than just a self-service portal but rather something that promotes and develops their careers.
Our trust have not saved any money thus far. We have commissioned a very expensive system two years ago and have thus far only deployed it in two of the 45 departments.